What I used to eat

What I used to eat

What I eat now

What I eat now


Going Vegan for 30 Days

A meaty omnivore goes veg for a whole month.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

30 days are done!

Sorry I haven't posted on here for awhile, I guess my interested waned some. That doesn't mean that my dedication did. I finished it out.

Like I mentioned before, I had to eat some toaster pasteries for breakfast with some milk product in them and a few other stores, bread that potentially had milk, stir fry with fish sauce, ect. No meat and absolutely no cheese for 30 days.

Would I do it again? Sure, if there was money in it or something. It was a great learning experience and really helped me to assess my diet. I really recommend that people try doing this. I lost 5-6 lbs total, which is pretty good in a month for not really doing anything else besides changing my diet. I'll do another post or two, one about my celebratory meal!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vegan pizza

Yes, it can be done. It's even pretty good. I posted on this earlier, but I was in the field and made the stuff on the grill. This time I made my own dough.

Basically you just start out making this like any other pizza, just make sure your toppings are vegan if you're abiding by that code. No cheese, just bake. Once it's done take it out and smear guacamole all over the top. Seriously, it's pretty good.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Farmers market pictures

Sorry that some of these are overexposed, to bright, whatever. If you've never been to Hawaii here are some pictures from the Thursday farmers market where I get a lot of fresh produce.

Here's my friend Josh, we trade a lot of meat for veggies!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meat sounds good

So week 1 was hard, week 2 not so much. Week three and I'm starting to want things like a hotdog, or an icecream cone....a steak.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

From out in the field and back

So day 12, 13, and 14 were the hardest so far. That's because I went up into the Hawaiian mountains for work. It's harder because:

1. I work harder therefore need more calories
2. I at least feel like I need more fat and protein in my diet to feel full
3. Food isn't readily available, we have a lot of food stored but it's all canned or dried. There's a lot of vegetarian stuff but very few things are actually vegan. I had to plan ahead and I still had to cheat for two breakfasts.

I had two toaster pastries, the organic version of poptarts. They were listed to have milk in them. Alas I'll try to stay on the straight and narrow from now on.

While in the field I did enjoy some good vegan food. Some packaged stuff known as "Tasty Bites." They're basically either a stir fry or curry in an aluminum pouch. Really good actually, especially when eaten with hot rice. Easy to carry and cook in the field too.

Last night I grilled pizza for everyone for dinner. Some were meaty pizzas (I didn't eat any), but two were vegans. Here's what you do:

With your grill on medium put on a prebaked pizza crust upside down, either buy them or comment and I'll give you a pizza crust recipe. Throw your toppings on the grill at the same time to cook as well. Once the crust has started to brown flip it. Next add your cheese (if you're not vegan). The cheese should go down next so it's closer to the heat and will melt. Next add your sauce, then toppings. Grill till brown on bottom. Makes for a really nice crispy crust. Takes a little practice but well worth it.

Sorry I don't have any pictures of food but here are a few of where I work.


Looks good huh?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do you think I cheated?

I've been thinking about what I may have accidentally eaten that has an animal product the last 11 days.

I had an eggplant sandwich at a cafe that came with a creamy sauce that I wiped off.

On day 3 without thinking i took a hershey's kiss and put it in my mouth, but spit it out.

Last Saturday I was at a party and someone gave me a veggie burger with cheese on it. I took it off (it looked good and I was drunk)

am I doing well so far?